Jalandharian glad to invite you all for its reputed fashion exhibition Dubai Global Village at Desh Bhagat Yadgaar Hall. This is the beautiful smart city of Punjab which is famous for NRI’s. Fashion shows, Expos, fairs are known to have benefitted traders with their product launches and improving their brand’s image. There is a lot to learn from such expositions in Jalandhar from an attendee's perspective. One can make a lot of new connections within the industry itself and pitch about their ideas or products through such happening exhibitions in Jalandhar. Look out for all the relevant exhibitions by searching in your browser. This is going to start from 04 Dec, 2020, to 07 Dec, 2020 at 11:00 AM To 08:00 PM.
View more Exhibitions In Jalandhar
Venue Type | Banquet Halls |
Event Type | Indoor |
Expected Visitors | 5000 |
Visitor Entry | Free |
Start Date | 28 Nov,2020 |
End Date | 01 Dec,2020 |
Timing | 11:00 To 20:00 |
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